Three whole weeks of Christmas themed morning challenges
(otherwise known as early morning activities, class starters, welcome work etc.)
There’s a mix of Maths and English questions.
Maths include: Shape, graphs, addition etc.
English includes: Poetry, creative writing etc.
Hi there!
This is one of my biggest bundles for you guys.
In here, there are 8 meticulously planned lessons, with extension work and opportunities to extend the learning over multiple literacy slots.
There are 12 separate work sheets, including sorting activities, flash cards for drama, using the example of how chocolate is made.
All learning objectives and success criteria are outlined for each individual lesson, and all links for extra resources to be found are on the series plan.
Honestly, this has the potential to save you a LOT of work!
It can be used for any year in primary, as there are alternative difficulty options, and vocabulary choices that can be altered to make it harder/easier.
I hope you enjoy it :)
Happy teaching,
Miss Ritchie
Hi there!
2 lessons here for introducing chronological explanation texts!
LO's, success criteria all sorted along with mulitple worksheets and presentations.
Hi there!
Currently working in a storytelling school that base the whole term around a certain story.
This term we're reading and studying The Prince of Birds. It's a great story and would be a great one to choose as it's a diverse story, has a focus on birds which can be used in art, science and ICT and is set in Spain, which is great for RE, History and Geography.
LO's, success criteria and all resources set out above.
Happy teaching!
Miss Ritchie
There's 7 weeks of morning challenges for you- 35 whole days!
There's a metal theme in these as that's my current topic, but it's easily altered if you need.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Happy teaching!
Miss Austin
Miss Austin here!
Here is another resource pack for diary writing.
Included in this pack is:
Editable diary writing frames
Entire week of lesson plans
Assessment grids against Y3 NC (national curriculum) expectations
I hope this proves helpful.
Happy teaching, All!
Starters, plenaries, modeled descriptions and resources provided for two contrasting character descriptions. They're based on two characters from the book we're reading in class, but are easily adaptable.
Let me know if you need anything else or have any comments.
Miss Ritchie
Hi there,
Here's some of this week's planning for play scripts. It's an often forgotten text type, but is helpful for many reasons.
I used this blank iphone template for children to separate who is saying what in a piece of text in order to prep them for writing a play script this week. I hope it works for you!
Miss Ritchie
A small pack based on Kennings. This was for 2 lessons in my class, with the second focused on reciting and memorising poetry as per National Curriculum objectives.
Introductory powerpoint, a write up sheet (with Stone age theme- easily editable) and 2 day lesson plan
Miss Ritchie
Hi there,
Here’s a big pack of spellings for Year 3 that work toward age related expectations. They’re differentiated either 2 or 3 ways and cover many different objectives.
Such as;
suffixes (ness, ful, ly, less etc.)
prefixes (auto, super, pre etc.)
alternative phonemes/spellings for sounds
Hi there,
I used this lesson as a 35 minute interview lesson, but the resources are easily editable to make use of them for a longer lesson time.
LO: To use subordinate clauses.
Two activities. Resources included!
Hi there!
Here's a new resource pack- it's a pretty prescriptive and detailed set of resources that cover 4 days worth of work, along with challenges to boot.
- 3-way differentiated guided reading booklet including the following
*Day 1- predictions based on blurb and front cover
*Day 2- author's intention through language and 'connotation'
*Day 3- prepositions text marking and identifying
*Day 4- decoding shakespearean quotes- prediction and answers.
Learning objectives outlined on the sheets, and marking area prescribed.
I used this with my year 3/4 class, but is easily adapted for 5/6.
Two lesson focus on Willy Wonka and planning a character description based on his appearance in the movies. We focused on the recent movie, however there are clips for both.
A planning sheet for designing a fruit. Chn must come up with a target market, key positive facts, cost and name for the fruit. This then led my class into making them in a DT lesson, and creating the packaging in a 3D nets Maths lesson.
A three lesson bundle of resources for CatCF focussed guided reading sessions.
identify and use the possessive apostrophe in simple plurals
Identify word and punctuation types by their features
show awareness of author’s viewpoint through character description choices
Differentiated two ways.
In this resource pack, you will find 18 resources for homework, English lessons and History lessons.
Includes Character descriptions, grammar homework based on adverbial phrases, newspaper articles, bayeux tapestry resources and blurb writing resources.
If you have ANY questions, feel free to send them my way. I always respond and will always assist when needed.
Hi there,
In this pack are many resources surrounding the Literacy Evolve topic of Bicho the animation.
- reading comprehension questions
- powerpoint of LO’s and lesson structures
- starter activity looking at camera shots
- planning sheet for sequel (characters and setting) differentiated
- examples of expected work